2020 New Year Newsletter
I’m sure there are more than a few people reading this newsletter that never thought they would live long enough to see 2020!!!
Well, we made it and living each day to it’s fullest while cherishing all the positives in life and the many Good People we associate with is well worth waking up each morning.
Thanks to the MANY Westview Marina Customers, Friends, Family & Employees.
Lots of you fit in several of the above categories. THANK YOU!!
Fishing/Catching Update:
Much of this report will be confirmed by DFO the end of March or SOONER.
General ALL Good News! We are very fortunate to be Fishing/Catching in our back yard!
2020 Regulations for Area 25/125 Nootka Sound & Esperanza Inlet (our back yard)!
Chinook/Spring/Kings Salmon
Inside the Surf Line: Same as last yr. & the past 4 years. OPEN All Season!
Limit 2 per day, possession 4. Other than minimum size, NO size restrictions.
Off Shore: Different than last year. BETTER!! Likely Open ALL Season!
Limit 2 per day, possession 4. May be a Maximum size until July 15. Plus- can keep All Hatchery Clipped fish no max size. Limits apply.
Inside the Surf Line: Same as last yr. Open All Season!
FULL Limit 4 per day, possession 8. Other than minimum size, NO size restrictions.
Off Shore: Similar to last year. BETTER!! Likely will go to FULL Limit 4 per day on July 15.
Until July 15 limit 2 per day, possession 4. Retention of hatchery clipped fish only all season.

Gale & Leon the Perfect Pair with a Perfect Pair of 22 & 24lb Chinook/Kings/Springs. Caught inside Esperanza Inlet in August.
“Happy Cranbrook Crew” Limits of 8 Chinook 27-18lb caught at Ferrer Pt in June

Tahsis/Esperanza FULL Cart. “Limit of Chinook/Kings with bycatch of Vermillion, Lingcod & a very nice Halibut. All caught while Fishing/Catching (trolling deep) off Outer Black Rock in July
Oiler Fan Boated the Big One. 32lb Tyee in late August at Pin Rocks, Esperanza Inlet
The rain was pouring down.
There standing in front of a big puddle outside the pub was an old Scotsman, drenched, holding a stick, with a piece of string dangling in the water.
A passer-by stopped and asked, "What are you doing?"
"Fishing." replied the old man.
Feeling sorry for the old man, the gent says, "Come in out of the rain and have a drink with me."
In the warmth of the pub, as they sip their whiskies, the gent, being a bit of a smart ass, cannot resist asking,..... "So how many have you caught today?"
"You're the eighth", said the old guy.
All of Area 25 Surf Line in & Surf Line out Area 125 Generally the same with possible changes in Maximum size range. Final feed back from International Halibut Commission (IHC) & DFO on Canada’s quota forth coming.
Limit 2 possession or 1 possession at Maximum size range.
Albacore Tuna
Same as last season. 20 per day, possession 40
Same as last season. 2 per day, possession 4
Other Bottom Fish
Same as last season. 3 per day, possession 6
Early Season Halibut & Lingcod
The BEST- Why- they are in close to the mouth of both Nootka Sound & Esperanza Inlet Feeding on spawning Herring and Needle Fish. When May 15-June 30. Ask about “Hali Harvest Special”

Early Season Hali & Lingcod paid off “BIG” for Sam’s Crew of 4. They were Fishing/Catching at the inside Whales Tail on Guide Boat Donzi.
“Three Musketiers” Danny & Buddies. While trolling slow with large herring caught their daily limit of Halibut & 3 nice Early Season Chinook 29.75, 26, 14 lbs.
Reservations: For Lodging, Moorage & Charters
We are filling up very Quickly. If you want specific dates for Moorage, Lodging location, Charter boat or Captain we highly recommend you contact us SOON, so we can meet your request. We REALLY are fuller than we ever have been before at this date. 2020 is going to be the “BIGGEST & BEST” in our 27yrs.
Why- The 2020 salmon Fishing is projected to be the Best since 2012. & the regulation here in Nootka Sound & Esperanza Inlet allow you to take LOTS of Fillets home as noted above. Join the FUN & Catching!!!! This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. email us your reservation request NOW!!!
Thanks - Looking Forward to seeing you this Season!!!
GOOD Boat For Sale:
2006- 21ft Northriver Seahawk (aluminum)
2015 Yamaha 150 main & 206 Yamaha 9.9 kicker
New Garmin Electronics, Tandem axle trailer
$30,000 US $$/$37,500 CA $$
This boat has been at the marina for over 10yrs. It has been serviced Annually (Every 100 hrs) by our shop and winterized & shrink wrapped yearly. The boat is fished 10 to 6 weeks a year. It is very clean & well maintained. Boat is very Fishy & it has Lots of life left in this vessel!!
Contact JOHN at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with interest
Mexico Fishing/Catching Report
Baja, Mexico in the Sea of Cortez at East Cape, Los Barriles has some of the most diverse and plentiful warm water Fishing/Catching in North America. Yes, Strip, Blue & Black Marlin, Sailfish, Yellowtail, Wahoo, Yellowfin Tuna, Pargo/Red Fish, Dorado & Roaster Fish just to name the most common fish caught on a daily outing.

Mike Cumming (Westview Marina & Lodge Guide) & John with a variety of 10 Pargo and 2 Sierra/King Mackerel retained. Over 50 fish released on this day trip in a Guided Panga.
Action, Action, Action as soon as we picked up our sardine bait & got on the bottom fishing grounds. Fun, Fun, Fun on light gear and as table fare great tasty eating.
Next trip for California Yellowtail 15-50lbs. They are just now arriving in large schools.
Local fisher are obsessed with the opportunity of catching these fish. Yellowtail satisfy the three commandments of warm water sports game fish- fight, availability and Good Eating.
Tahsis Report: ALL GOOD STUFF !!!!
*Cell phone service is now a reality in the Village & surrounding area
* Coast Guard Station appears to be on Schedule for full operation in September 2020
* Further Gold River to Tahsis road improvement are scheduled for Spring/Summer 2020
* Road projected fully paved by 2022
Spring/SUMMER/Fall-Employment opportunities:
Yes, it is that time of year again when we begin the hiring of new staff.
At this point we are looking for Dock Hands, Housekeeping & Wait Staff + Kitchen Help
“Join us for a season of fun and fulfillment on the West Coast of Vancouver Island, BC”
We have a full service Marina with a Restaurant, Coffee shop, Pub, Fuel, Bait & Tackle Shop, accommodations, moorage and lots more! Experience the beauty of the ocean, forest and wildlife, while working in a fun, fast-paced environment. Check us out on the website, www.westviewmarina.com & on https://www.facebook.com/Westview-Marina-and-Lodge
Housing and one meal per day provided on the days you work at no charge to you $15.95-$16.60 per hr.

Linden, Washington Dairy Farmer Crew. Fishing off the Kyuquot Canyon - 17 Albacore 15-29lb.
David Smith, Tyler Hunt & John. Fishing /Catching at the South Brooks weather Buoy - 15 Albacore average weight 22lb caught in August.
Late Season Albacore Tuna Fishing/Catching
Yes, the Albacore showed up BIG Time August to Mid-September last.
Yes we will be booking Tuna Charters Trips this season. 4 Nights Lodging, 3 Full days of Guided Fishing/Catching with all you meals while you are with us.
Ask About our TUNA-TUNA Special for crews of 4 to 6!!!
Albacore Tuna Fishing/Catching
“IT'S the most FUN You can have on a boat with your clothes ON!”
We sell salt water
fishing licenses!
Thank You, for your continued support and encouragement.
We are dedicated to make your experience at Westview Marina & Lodge the Most Fun and Positive on and off water adventure on the West Coast Of Vancouver Island!
Make it a Great Day! John