The Holiday Season is upon us!
There has been LOTS to be Thankful and Grateful for during this past 2019 Season!
We had some of the BEST Fishing/Catching in ALL of BC. With the Full Limits on Salmon,
Halibut, Lingcod & much MORE! Yes, our local Salmon Enhancement in ALL of Nootka
Sound & Esperanza Inlet after 14yrs of steady solid progress & nearly $500,000 raised to
support the many efforts is paying huge divisions in local Salmon Stock returns.
Thanks to the so many who donated Prizes, Cash & especially the Volunteers who make
it ALL work with hands on efforts. Yes, “It Really is ALL about the FISH”
Thanks to our customer base that continues to grow at a very health rate.
Yes, on Island, all of BC and Albertans make up he majority of our Canadian Customer.
Washington, Oregon & Northern California are our fastest growing international customers.
Why? The US is seeing Pacific coast wide serious restrictions on Salmon retention as is the East
side of Vancouver Island & Mainland BC. PULSE maybe the most important reason is the US $$ is
worth $1.25 up here in BC. That is a 25% discount right out of the bock. It is a Great Deal!!!
"There is a fine line between fishing and just standing on the shore like an idiot." ---Steven Wright

Never judge the success or failure of your fishing in seconds, minutes, hours, days or even years - but rather by a lifetime of experiences.
"Bahia de Los Muertos, East Cape, Baja, BCS Mexico"
Viernes Diciembre 20, 2019

The Smile Says it ALL. Fish On John with the largest Wahoo of the day 29.5lbs
John with fishing partner Juan Hidago four Dorado 7-20lbs & One Large Wahoo!

Curt & Jody with Big Smiles & 4 nice Dorado, 2 large trigger fish & an Amber Jack. A great day on the Sea of Cortez.
Lots of other Fish caught in the party of 6 in 3 boats, Trigger Fish, Amber Jack, Dorado, Wahoo. A Great Day on the Sea of Cortez!
Don't waste another minute on bad times, bad people or hunting for gold.
DFO - Sports Fishery Advisory South Coast Board Meeting Report
Salmon HI lights- 2020 Salmon abundance for Area 25 (Nootka/Esperanza) UP!
Yes, both Chinook/Kings/Springs and Coho/Silvers will see significate up tick in Local Stocks.
Area 25 has also been chosen to start the soon to be BC wide hatchery marked Chinook Program.
All (approx. 4 Million) Chinook released from the Conuma Hatchery in 2020 will be fin clipped.
Likely the 6 other rivers in Esperanza Inlet and Nootka Sound that also have enhanced Chinook programs (volunteer hatcheries) will soon follow the lead of the Conuma federal hatchery with a marking program on their additional 2 million Chinook. It is ALL Good!
By 2024 we will likely be committed to a Clipped Chinook retention Fishery. This will allow for maxima retention of clipped Salmon, depending on abundance, and BETTER protect wild stocks.
It's a WIN-WIN for the Fish and Angler!
Tahsis Cellular service Update:
Looks like the official Start of Local Cell Service is December 16,2020
Yes text and talk to your hearts content in Tahsis!
For those who have questioned this move forward in technology as a Good thing or NOT for our at the end of the road pristine Village - we get IT!
But that is why All devices have an OFF button!! The Choice is yours!!

Yes the Tuna finally arrived off the Esperanza Canyon as close as 18 miles off shore. Shock Wave Seats David Smith with Tyler Hunt got 17 Albacore Tuna 15-22lb on Sept 17, 2019
Yes, on September 18, 2019 they did it again. David & Tyler took Ray Chetidden on his 1st Albacore fishing trip ever. What a Great Fun day! 22 Albacore 13-23lbs caught up inside the Brooks Peninsula weather buoy about 18 miles out.
Tuna, Tuna, Tuna!!!
Yes, Late August & September saw the return of Albacore Tuna to Our Area.
2007-2015 we saw some of the Best close to shore Tuna Fishing/Catching in All of British Columbia.
With limits of 20 per day per fisher it is a fast, furious, wild, FUN fishery!!!
But, 2016, 2017 & 2018 saw changes in near shore (less than 25 miles out) water temperatures, weather and better conditions elsewhere that kept the tuna down south off the Columbia River or 100+ miles off shore - no Tuna in our Area.
BUT, Yes- they are BACK!!! With projections of more of the same for 2020.
Yes, the water below Brooks Peninsula and inside of the Brooks south weather buoy in and around the local canyons from Esperanza to Kyuquot is one of the HOTEST Spot for Albacore in BC waters.
Another Bonus is the Albacore that come into these areas tend to larger than some the peanut tuna (12-20lb) found on other parts on the West Coast of Vancouver Island. Our local tuna grounds average is 25lb.
A 30-40lb Tuna is NOT an unusual catch HERE!! We will keep you up to date on Albacore TUNA Fishing when we get closer to the season. As we have in the past we will have Special Rates for Tuna Charter, Seminars and "Bring Your Own Boat-Tuna Fleet Fishing" (BYOB-TFF). All of this was successfully done in the past and will be put in play again in 2020 with the Albacore Tuna return.
If you have not yet made your reservations for Lodging, Moorage and Fishing/Catching Charters we recommend you do it SOON! We have said it before BUT, for 2020 it is REALLY Truer than ever before!
At this point (early December) we are BOOKED Up more than ever before.
So if you want your particular dates, lodging, guide, spot on the dock, etc.
CALL or EMAIL NOW for reservations.
250 934 7672 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. <mailto:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.m> (email is better)
We sell salt water
fishing licenses!
May You & Yours have a Happy Safe Holiday Season! See you in 2020!!!
John & the entire Staff of Westview Marina & Lodge
John Falavolito, 250 934 7672 or 800 992 3252 Owner/Operator Westview Marina & Lodge
Serving the Vacationing, Cruising and Fishing Public for 27 years N49*55'13 W12639'78.5