The Best Fishing/Catching Season in 25 Years
Yes, I have fished this area for over 30yrs and we have operated Westview Marina & Lodge for over 20yrs. This 2019 fishing season is over the TOP GOOD across the board with all species, especial with Salmon.
Boats are limiting out on salmon before noon. 20 Spring/Chinook/King to the boat in a morning is the norm. Coho/Silvers are also showing in good numbers. 12.5lb tops the board today but getting bigger every day.
Where are huge schools of herring and sand lance bait on the 30+/- meter contour. This Contour holding the bait runs from Grassi Is/McQuarrie Is on the north side of Esperanza Inlet down Island to outer Black Rk. at the mouth of Esperanza also off and in at Ferrer Pt.
The bait and Salmon along with great fishing/catching continue south to Beano Ck and Bajo Reef just outside of Nootka Sound. Salmon are moving into both Esperanza and Nootka in good numbers. In Esperanza, in normally calm water, you will find salmon at the Glory Hole at Catala Is, Double Is, Rosa harbour, Pin Rks & Garden Pt. In Nootka Maquinna Pt, Wash Rks, the Lighthouse, Boston Pt, Coopte Pt, and Hoiss Pt all are holding salmon.
“Match the Hatch” is an old but accurate fishing slogan!! Lures that are working well Skinny G’s no bananas, Peetz hammer 3.25” chartreuse, Coyote 3.5 & 4 glo/grn/cht & live image/neon/grn, King Kandy Candlefish watermelon. Any and all of these lures running behind a Highliner Guide Series No bananas flasher work very well. Anchovies are what all the above lures are imitating so you may want to leave the dock with a good supply of brined bait. Bait usually out fishes hardware.

Silvia Martinez from San Francisco with her 1st salmon catch ever, 27.5lb Spring/King/Chinook
Caught off Outer Black Rock at the mouth of Esperanza Inlet
Mark Tatchell, Tahsis Village Manger, with the 1st Tyee of the 2019 season, 30.25lb, weigh in at Westview Marina & Lodge.
The Tyee was boated just off High Rocks near Esperanza Inlet.
Halibut and lingcod pile up on the cleaning table daily here at Westview Marina & Lodge. The new rule of 1 hali up to 126cm/50” in possession is very popular. A 126cm halibut can be up to 60lbs of great eating flaky white "fish n chips”. Lingcod to 30lbs are also regularly boated in the bountiful water in Esperanza and Nootka.
Recently several of the local guides have gone to trolling for Lingcod. Again in and around the same contour areas where they are catching salmon they are tolling Rapala Otus soft tail jigs, Mega bite Swim tail jigs and Westin Red Ed swim jigs just off the bottom. Yes, they are using their downriggers and Halibut setup to keep the swim baits very close bottom. Moving the rigger up and down with the bottom contour. This up and down motion adds to the swim baits realistic action. Often as the green button on the Scotty downrigger is pressed to bring the jig up over a rise in the bottom the jig is ripped out of the released clip “Fish On”.
Fishing/Catching using this method brings a new dimension to lingcod fishing. It’s just you & the fish with the jig firmly stuck in its jaw. No spreader bar, no heavy ball weight just a straight strong pull directly to the fish. This improved system has seriously increased the productivity in bottom fishing/catching. “More Fish in the BOX” Come join the Fun, Fun, Fun of catching & retaining lots of fish in Esperanza Inlet & Nootka Sound.

Harry Jenkins from the Lower Mainland (Vancouver) with a nice 119cm/46lb Halibut caught near Tatchu Pt
Doug and Sharon Wilkins fishing from their vessel “Sea Sweet”. Caught these pairs of Lingcod & Halibut. Of course Sharon bested Doug on both species by catching the larger ones.

Whales, Whales & More Whales + Dolphins
Yes, just off shore near the surf line large pods of Gray and Humpback whales + Pacific White-side Dolphin are also feed on the massive bait balls up and down our coast. Any Fishing trip usually turns out to be ECO tour as well. More WHALES! Yes, last Thursday morning, July 4th, a small pod of Transient Killer Whales showed up right outside our boom breakwater. Marine life is just like most of life, a balance. These Killer Whales were here to feed on local seals. The seals are in the majority feeding, at this time of year, on Salmon fry that have moved out of local streams, rivers and hatcheries. These fry mill around the top end of the inlet and estuaries making them vulnerable to the seals. These Killer Whales help maintain a ecological balance.

These Transient Whales are much larger than the north and south coast Orcas.
They are majestic & beautiful! Having them come right into Tahsis Inlet on a regular bases is a real treat!!!
If you a planning on coming to Tahsis/Westview Marina & Lodge this Season it is highly recommended that you make your reservations for Moorage and Lodging NOW!
We have a couple of All inclusive Charter pkg opportunities left in 1st & 4th wk of August and early September.
Here on the northwest coast of Vancouver Island we remain at Full limits for Salmon.
Chinook/Kings/Springs 2 per day/4 possession, and Coho/Silvers 4 per day/possession 8
( Chinook - All of Area 25-Coho Area 25 4 & 5 )

Contestants from 2018 Salmon Enhancement BBQ contest
9th Annual Salmon Enhancement BBQ contest
Saturday July 13th 3pm gathering begins-get your table/5pm Food service begins
5 Competitors:
Thor Johannson- BBQ candy Salmon ( Shawzy’s Charters )
Jeff, Dan, Janice- Oysters Candied
Deb Bodnar & Leah- Thai Salmon Sliders (TSES)
Stephan & Company- Dessert (TVFD)
Tank & Brian- Halibut Fish Tacos ( Ray’s Charters )
Plus Your Choice of 3 Salads YUM, YUM, YUM!!
Lots of Food, FUN & Fund Raising for Tahsis Salmon Enhancement Society (TSES)
Only 150 tickets sold. 72 are already SOLD! Get your’s NOW!! $20 each!!
Tickets available at Westview Marina & Lodge Gas Dock.
“It Really is ALL About the FISH”
Thanks For Your Support of TSES!!!!
Customer Comments
Hey John, just wanted to thank you and your staff for an amazing stay. We can't say enough about how friendly and helpful everyone was, from the guides to the dock staff, and restaurant/servers. We were new to the Esperanza area so the advice from yourself and the local guides helped lead us to some great areas to fish. Limited out on springs, got some huge ling cod, 2 halibut and fought some feisty black bass. Having the courtesy vehicle was a great bonus as well when we needed anything from town or get our pro packaged fish from Kathy at Tahsis Fish processing. I have never seen so many friendly people waving to us as we walked the town one day! Special kudos go to Colton, your guide for showing us how to safely anchor in deep water for halibut. Our first halibut..thanks so much for the advice , apparently we needed help. The enthusiasm and general vibe on the deck as boats brought in their hauls was so entertaining. Drinks were cold, food was great and Rock the Dock live music night a nice social place to meet people. We will be back! Thanks again to all who made our week so fun.

We sell salt water
fishing licenses!
Thanks for ALL Your Support and Caring it Means A lot to all of us! John
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