June Esperanza Inlet & Nootka Sound Report
We are at Full Limits for Chinook, Halibut, Coho & Lingcod at Westview!!
The beginning of the Peak of the Peak of the season is HERE!
Yes, lots of activity on the Docks and Cleaning Tables every day this time of year. From noon until well into the evening Salmon, Halibut, Lingcod and much more are being fileted. Big smile and cold beverages are the norm for this activity. Lots of sharing of where, what and how is discussed and possibly some “Fish Stories”. There is a yellow hazard sign at Westview Marina & Lodge that says “Rubber Boots are Mandatory – Fish Stories told HERE"!! (as seen above) Lots of Laughter, that is contagious, is part of the vibe at Westview’s Pub/Deck. This is one of the many reasons why fishers come to Tahsis.
The other reason is because Nootka and Esperanza and their offshore areas are some of the most productive Fishing/Catching salt water on the entire West Coast. There seems to be two distinct categories of fisher. Offshore fisher and inshore fisher. Both catch successfully. Yes, lots of boats go well offshore here BUT, there are lots of inshore water that hold LOTS of fish. Blind Reef in Esperanza Inlet and Bajo Reef in Nootka Sound are prime examples. Both these reefs are just off the mouths of these two bodies of water. Both have prime catching waters for Salmon just off the edges of the reefs. Both have very productive Halibut catching areas in the sandy/gravel shoals just of the reefs. Both have hugely abundant Lingcod and many other bottom fish areas up on the reefs. You can literally limit out on all these species within an area the size of a football field.
Offshore there is the famous Salmon Highway, the 250-300ft/80-100fm line. It is located 8-14 miles out depending on where you start from. The Highway is exactly what it says. It is the place Salmon move south to their final destinations. Why are they there? FOOD! Yes, the steep up swelling of the ocean contour attracts hundreds of schools of bait fish.
Fishing/Catching primary rule - “Where there is feed there will usually be LOTS of FISH” Along the Highway there are many contour that come up to 120-90ft/30-20fm these are prime areas for Halibut, Lingcod & all types of bottom fish. It is very common for offshore fisher to come back to the cleaning tables with fish boxes full of Salmon as well as Ground fish.
So where you fish inshore or offshore is up to you But, the results are often the same.
Stop by Westview’s tackle shop and we will put you on to in and offshore GPS spots to improve your Catching.
Target fish on June 7, 2019 seemed to be Bottom FISH!!
Dan Smith from Vancouver in his 2nd season fishing with us boat a heavy weight Halibut at 58lb at Blind Reef on June 7
Two boat loads of Happy Albertans scored big on Halibut, Lingcod & LOTS of other bottom Fish!!
Marlin Weninger from Kelowna with the largest Halibut of the day on June 7, 2019 - 67lbs it was right at the maximum size limit at 126cm.
Oyster on the ½ shell and “Happy Hour Drink Specials” make this couple HAPPY!!

Lots of New Folks on the Dock & Lots of Returning Customers
Yes, the conservation restrictions regulations for Chinook Salmon on the east & south of Vancouver Island and on the mainland have brought many new Customer to Westview Marina & Lodge this season. If you have not yet made your Moorage, Lodging, Charters and Kayak & Paddle Board rentals we highly recommend you do it SOON so you can get your requested dates.
Thank You This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 250 934 7672

Westview's family of bald eagles have also returned in mass

Two brothers with a pair of good size early season Coho
A Very Happy Father- Joe & Son- Phillip Vanderhorst from Vancouver with their 1st Tyee ever 30.5lb Caught on an anchovy with Supper Betsy Gold Flasher Landed at Ferrer Pt. near Esperanza Inlet in Late June 2018
Lots of Chinook Salmon around –
Yes, 8-16lb feeder Spring are everywhere inside Esperanza Inlet.
These salmon move into the inlet in March during the late stages of the herring spawn. Now they are feeding heavily on squid spawn that will peak on in the next 3 wks. They are growing weekly soon the average will be mid-teens. White & Glow hoochies with green or red eyes are fling off our tackle shop hang ups as the choice of catching bait for these June Chinook/Springs/Kings. Passer by Chinook are stacking up at Ferrer Point, outside of Catala Isl., and Bajo Reef. Most are Clipped USA fish in the 10-16lb size range. Largest to date on June 4th Bob Whitaker 19.5lb (Ferrer Pt) 25lb+ Spring Salmon will dominate the Salmon catch very SOON!! Fish ON!!!

Beer and Tequilla Helping Men Dance Since 1967
Largest Coho run in years coming to:
the West Coast of Vancouver Island this Season
Yes, all DFO records indicate a 25% to a 200% increase in Local & passing by stock.
Increase vary from streams & rivers BUT, they are ALL UP!! Improving ocean conditions and better spawning conditions on these stock are the reason for the upswing in the #s. We are starting to see the 1st of these runs.
We sell salt water
fishing licenses!
Thanks for ALL Your Support and Caring it Means A lot to all of us! John
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