Westview Marina & Lodge August Report
The 8th Annual BBQ Cook Off (July 28) was a Roaring Success!!!

8 teams entered. They and the 100+ attendees had FUN,FUN,FUN! Great clear weather 24*c/75*f AND Fabulous Food helped to make the BBQ a winner. An all-time record high of $4,045 was raised.
“Yes it is all about the FISH” and FUN!
Without the Cooking teams time, energy and commitment to Salmon Enhancement there would be no BBQ. A huge Thank You to the teams!
There were no losers at this fun event. Team list below with what they cook.
All pictured above. Look at those smiles.
1-Tahsis Salmon Enhancement, Frank & Jason, Rotissery smoked Baron of Beef
2-Shawzy’s, Thor & Samantha, Secret Salmon – 1st Place Again
3-Pekka team, Grandpa Pekka & Grandson Tyrus, Seafood Chowder- 3rd Place
4-Westview Staff, Carson, Kiara & Austin, Bacon Wrapped Halibut- 2nd Place

Jon Burris with his August 1st 29.5lb Spring Caught at the Whales Tale.
Gordie Brusatore with the largest Tyee to date brought to Westview Marina & Lodge cleaning tales. It was 32.5lbs. The Chinook was boated at Coopte Pt at the southern end of Tahsis Inlet. |
 Bishop Gary Gordon and Frank Collins(President of the Tahsis Salmon Enhancement Society) with the 1st 20lb Coho of the 2018 season! This salmon was caught August 15th in Esperanza near Steamer Point.
Fishing/Catching Has been over the TOP GOOD!
Typical high pressure winds kept some boats inshore fishing Ferrer with GREAT Success in early July. Once the fleet could get to the HYW things really caught fire. All the Hot Sots lite up Whales Tail, The Tee, Onion, etc. On August 3 the Chinook/King/Spring & Coho/Silvers moved on shore in huge numbers. Why? The answer is large schools of fire cracker herring move into Esperanza Inlet and the Salmon followed them in. From Pin Rks. over to outer Black Rk. and all across the outside of Catala Is. extending inward all the way to Saltery Bay CATCHING is HOT! Yes those who have fished Esperanza for yrs. are saying it’s been a long time since they have seen the Fishing/Catching this GOOD! Everybody is limiting on Salmon!! Chinook/Kings are averaging 25lbs and 12lb Coho/Silvers are common.
This is a considerable jump in size over recent years. By early September we are expecting Coho in the 18-22lb range. Come get your share!!!
Lots of Women on Westview Marina & Lodge Docks. Known as "Salmon Girl Debbie" holding her near Tyee size Chinook. Customer Gail in blue & Dockhand Desiree in the yellow shit in the background.
Nice size Coho caught in Esperanza Inlet with a Great smile to go with it. Today August a 17.5lb Coho hit the cleaning tables caught off Low Rk. at the mouth of Esperanza Inlet. We will see our 1st of many over 20lb Coho SOON!! |
July and early August Tyee report and near Tyees
July 1 Bradon Adams 28lbs- Ferrer
July 6 Don Rudy 29.5lbs- Ferrer
July 8 Tash Yamada 32lbs- Ferrer
July 12 Steve Fuler 29lbs- Grassy Is.
July 21 Trevor Thorgrimson 28lbs- The Pins
July 24 Robert Carase 28lbs- Whale Tale
July 25 Adam Stenerson 28lbs- Garden Pt
July 26 Pete Wilson 31.5lbs- Rosa
July 27 Gordie Brusatore 32.5lbs- Coopte Pt
July 29 George Lekty 30.5lbs- Whales Tale
July 31 Michael Pontias 29lbs- Pin Rks
August 1 Jon Burris 29.5lbs- Whales Tale
August 4 Garrett Seegmiller 30lbs- Rosa
August 6 Duane Dixon 30lbs- Pin Rks
August 9 Kara Etker 28.5lbs- Outer Black Rk
August 10 Matt Campbell 31lbs- Pin Rk
7 Tyees in 6 Wks. Yes we are back to Catching larger Chinook!
Smiling James Corbin with his 32lb Ling Cod caught on the outside of Catala Island while trolling for Salmon. Ling are very abundant in the Esperanza Area. |
Yes Halibut & Ling Cod as well as other bottom fish are very abundant in our area. The 2 boat group of 8 persons limited out on Halibut & did very well on ling. All were caught off the 200ft edge off Esperanza Inlet. |
Halibut, Ling Cod & other Bottom Fish
These delicious white meated fish remain in GOOD abundance in our area.
Lots of Hali and Ling Cod are being boat from the red can out to Six Mile/Esperanza Reef and around Tatchu Pt. up to Grassy Island

Out of Nowhere this Gray Whale rolled up in front of the Hoffman's vessel. No harm No file the boat & whale moved on safely!!

This Black Bear was foraging for food at low tide!
Fishing trips here are often also ECO Tours
The Gray whale and Black bear pictures above were taken last week by Bill Hoffman & crew while fishing in Esperanza Inlet. Thank You Bill! Yes! Orca, Humpback & Gray whales as well as Sea Otters, Sea Lions, Seals and Black Bears are seen often while boating here. Wolves and Cougar are also out there but seen less often. Yes! The Village of Tahsis/Esperanza Inlet are located in a virtual wilderness. IT IS WILD & Beautiful!!
Come see us SOON!

15th Annual Salmon Enhancement Fishing Derby Yes! Friday & Saturday August 24 & 25
Lots of FUN, FUN, Prizes, FUN, FUN, Cash, FUN, FUN Door Prizes!!!
Friday- Wiegh in 8am-7pm, Buffet Dinner 5-8pm, Live Music 6 – 10pm Saturday- Wiegh in 8am-5pm, “Awards Banquet”- BBQ Salmon dinner 5-7:30pm, Live Music 5-8pm, Awards 8 pm
Lots of hidden weights for ALL species. 1st, 2nd & 3rd Awards for Chinook, Coho & Cod
New for 2018 “Best Dressed Team” Award!!
Have Fun with this one! Hats, Shits, Hola skirts, etc. There will be families present so please keep it tactful!!
Everyone will walk out of Banquet with prizes!
Only 200 Derby tickets will be sold $75 ea. Get your tickets SOON they always sell out. Call or Email to reserve your tickets. Guest Banquet only tickets $15250 934 7672 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Remember “It Really is ALL About the FISH”
Over the past 14yrs. we have raised over $400,000 for Reginal Salmon Enhancement.
2017 was the all-time high - $44,333. As a result 2 million additional Salmon fry were released by local Volunteer Hatcheries to 6 river systems and the Conuma Federal Hatchery. IF You have ever asked yourself “Why is the Fishing/Catching so GOOD in Esperanza Inlet/Nootka Sound”
The answer is above!!!
Thank You to ALL who participate in so many ways!!

We sell salt water
fishing licenses!
Thank you for your continued support and encouragement!
John Falavolito 250-934-7672 or 800-992-3252
Westview Marina & Lodge
Successfully Serving the Vacationing, Cruising and Fishing Public for 26 Years
http://www.westviewmarina.com N49* 55’ 13 W126* 39’ 78.5