BIG Fish have Arrived


Hello {tag:firstname},



BIG Fish have Arrived

On July 12th the Tyee switch was turned ON!

There have been five days in the last 17 days when on each day multiple 30lb Chinook were on the cleaning tables and on most other days near 30lb Salmon top the list.

It all started in June with 2 Tyees- June 20th Ron Cassels caught a 32.5lb at Rosa and on June 30th Rick & Gary Knight caught a 31lb at the Guitar near highway (Hyw).


Cecil Ballard with his 39.5Lb Tyee

it is the largest Chinook of the 2017

season SO FAR!!!!

 Way to GO Cecil and Crew

          31lb caught at Catala Is.  

Gord Dowding with his Tyee


Theon  July 12 things really took off.

July 12th to 30th Biggest Chinook of the day report:

12th-Jordan Bartusch 33lb at Ferrer  13th-Chuck Lovell 27.5lb at Ferrer 14th-Pete Wilson 28lb The “T” 15th-Mike Phillips 26lb at Hyw 16th-Laurie Acorn 28lb at Hyw  17th- Scotty Gibb 24.5lb at Hyw 18th-Ron Halson 36lb at Grassy Is. 19th- Rob Tegelberg 28lb at Hyw 20th- Ron Halson 26lb at Honey Hole 21st- John Brennon at 28.5lb Catala 22nd- John Banger 31lb at Catala 23rd- Cecil Ballard 39.5lb at Pin Rks 24th- Jerry Fury 29lb at Pin Rks  25th- Nick Bauer 28lb Hoiss Pt 26th- Jerry Gaffer 29.5lb Maquinna Pt 27th-Mike Stolp 33.5lb at the Potato 28th-Bob Campbell 28lb at Hoiss Pt 29th- Christine Amundsen 29.5lb at 6mi. 30th- Tyler Kosman 28lb at The Pins 31st-Jeremy Lafantiso 28.5lb at Rossa

*Yes this is Los Barriles, Mex Mike & Baja Bev

                                   The HAPPY Crew of the Cracker Jack With 3 nice Halibut catch today July 29, 2017   
                                  It is not a Tyee BUT his sisters sure had fun netting their brother's 1st BIG Salmon  



Cathy & John Falavolito   250-934-7672 or 800-992-3252 Owner Operators Westview Marina & Lodge Successfully Serving the Cruising and Fishing Public for 25 Years This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. N49* 55’ 13     W126* 39’ 78.5

