Another Reason Why Catching is so Good when Fishing out of TAHSIS!


Hello {tag:firstname},




Another Reason Why Catching is so Good when Fishing out of TAHSIS!

We are very fortunate (Location, Location, Location). The majority of ALL Salmon runs moving down the outside of Vancouver Island literary are at the doorstep of Esperanza Inlet.

Why? Because these fish come off Brooks Peninsula and follow the Continental Shelf and the outer shore line South. We are the closest location to the Continental Shelf after the schools leave Brooks Peninsula for the entire Pacific West Coast Canada & US.

Our location and services is why Fishing/Catching out of Westview Marina & Lodge is so Productive.

Yes. At least a portion of these many schools of Salmon move right into the mouth of the Inlet.

Why? Because of the huge schools of bait fish that are at the mouth of the inlet.

Yes - it varies from year to year but, Sand Lances (needle fish), Herring, Pilchards & Squid are there for the feasting. Schools of Salmon often linger for many days feeding before moving south usually replaced by the next wave of Chinook/Coho moving south.

There is an old fishing adage “To improve your catch GO where the FISH ARE”

Westview Marina & Lodge, Tahsis, BC at the cross roads of Nootka Sound & Esperanza Inlet!


Nice Yellow Eyes these fish may be some of the best eating White Meat

in the ocean. Picture is Wayne Cheung who makes an annual Fishing/Catching trip  with his own boat

This Group is from the Port Townsend area. They ask Brian (center
dark shirt), one of Westviews Great Guides, to put them on some Halibut!!!
Loos like Brian delivered as always. The Smiles say it Hali. 58, 42, 22,
17Lb. The group went home with limits of Springs/ Kings, Lings Cod & Halibut. They
also boated lots of Silvers and other Bottom fish.
5 Fisher aboard on of the Marina's Charter Boats with Limits of Springs/
Kings, Halibut & 2 Yellow Eyes. All caught on their 1st day of their
3 Full Days of Guided Fishing/Catching. "Bring Your Large Coolers.
You Will Need Them When You FISH With US"

Tyee a Bunch. This was part of their boat limit of King. Ken Philps from is the lucky angler. 31.5lb Springs/ Kings. Ken brings his boat in each year and leaves it with us for the season. He comes in on wkends on his Holidays to Fish/Catch


2016 Post Season Review & *Outlook for 2017

Salmon, Halibut & Ling Cod Fishing

Salmon- Yes Overall it was a Very Good Fishing/Catching Season in Nootka Sound & especially in Esperanza Inlet.

MID-MAY saw the vanguard of the Columbia River massive runs of Chinook/Spring/King heading south. For all the above reasons from Inside of the mouth of Esperanza Inlet and from the shore line out to the Highway (60 Fathom/300ft line) & over to the World-Famous Ferrer Point, Salmon Fishing/Catching was Very Productive starting in May & extending into June. In Nootka Sound- Beano Creek and Maquinna Point & Rocks were also Good Producers for these early season Chinook.

*2017 is projected for Chinook Salmon to be much the same as last year’s final returns & escapement numbers which were well above average. Coho runs coast wide, as well as locally, were again above in average returns in number but, were well above average size in 2016. This trend is expected to continue for 2017.

HALIBUT- early season Catching was Excellent because of a large spawn of herring inside Esperanza Inlet at Nuchatlitz Islands and in the Rollin Roadstead areas. 25-60lb Hali. were caught in GOOD numbers inside of Esperanza from mid-May well into late June at the inside Whales Tale, Entrance Reef, Nuchatlitz Reef and the Red can buoy. In Nootka Bajo Reef is always a Haven for Hali.

*Halibut Fishing/Catching as in the recent past is not usually about abundance but rather the negotiations with International/Commercial/Recreational allocations. There is a group of strong & dedicated volunteers from the Sports Fish Advisory Board (SFAB) who work diligently to insure we get our share.

Ling Cod-Open on April 1st – November 15. Ling Cod is still fished commercially in our area and for GOOD reason. They are very Abundant and average in the 20-30lb range. Limits are 3 per day with possession of 6. That is a LOT of Fish and it is delicious white flakey meat.

Of ALL the fish that cross our cleaning tables at the Marina Ling Cod is Cathy & My favorite for table fare. “YUM”

Esperanza Inlet Hot Spots were off the rock structure seaward of Catala Island out to the 25mt drop off and off the outer edges of High Rocks & Obstruction Reef. These two locations are both located off Yellow Bluff. Nootka Hot Spots- most of the rocky seaward points out on the Bombing Rage south of Escalante Point are loaded with ling. Stop by the Marina Tackle Shop for GPS heading to Productive spots.

There is a large RCA (Rockfish Conservation Area) in this area. Make sure you are NOT in it. We Can Help!

*Ling Cod Fishing/Catching has remained steady and GOOD for many seasons. 2017 will remain in step with past seasons.


 Ron Daniels and his fishing buddy with 46 lb

Ling Cod- largest of 2016

 Lisa Erekson holding her 22lb Ling Cod

JUNE into JULY - Salmon

The early run of Coho show along with the Huge Schools of local Chinook/Spring/Kings.

Both inside & outside waters produce FISH well depending on the weather, size of vessels & personal preference of the type of water fished.

Inside waters preferred baits are: Anchovies, Luhr Jensen Flash Flies, Coho Killers, 3”- 4.5” Coyote Spoons, Brown & Glow Squid Hoochies (known as turds) & 4”-5” Tomic Spoons.

Out Side the surf line Preferred baits are: Herring, Anchovies, 6” Tomic, Coyote & Titan Spoons & 5”- 7” Tomic Plugs.

July into August – Salmon

The was little to no gap between the early run Coho and the arrival of the late run BUT, there was a significate difference in SIZE.

We usually do not see Coho in the hi-teens & above 20lbs until late August to September BUT in 2016 they arrived in early July and were on our cleaning tables at 16-22lbs regularly through July, August & September.

July Largest Coho 18.75lb Shawn Langley, August Largest Coho Ben Hankinson 22lb & September Liz Beaupre 19.5lb (Liz pictured below)


“ It is not well known BUT lots of mint bright Chum Salmon are also boated July-August. Above is the largest of 2016-Jeff Rienew with his 21.5lb – July 12” (Jeff pictured above)

Chinook/Spring/King – Yes this tends to be the “Conveyance Timing” Late June to early September for the many runs that cause our local Fishing/Catching to be so GOOD. The late runs of the Columbia River fish as well as the Pudget Sound stock are at full capacity at the mouth of Esperanza Inlet on out to the Highway and our Local Stocks are moving into Nootka Sound & Esperanza Inlet.

We are very fortunate to have over 80 rivers and streams pouring into Nootka Sound and Esperanza Inlet most of which support salmon spawning. 7 of these rivers have had intensive Salmon Enhancement programs on them for at least 6 years. 6 of the rivers are involved in volunteer River Rehabilitation and Enhancement Projects. The 7th is the Federal Hatchery that participates in a Collaborative Agreement Project that increases its production of Chinook Fry by 1 million. Together the total Enhanced Production from these 7 projects is over 4 million Chinook fry & 1 million Coho Fry annually.

DO THE MATH. After 6 years of these projects they have dramatically positively affected the available Salmon which AGAIN is why the FISHING/CATCHING is SO GOOD in our area.

*The Present (2017) and future OUTLOOK for Salmon returns and escapement to the river and streams for spawning in our area is VERY BRIGHT!!




August to September- Salmon, Halibut, Ling Cod & More!

Some areas call this the Late Season. In our area we call it “The Time for  BIG FISH”.

Yes, there are still lots of fish around BUT, usually the largest Chinook/Spring/King and "20+ lb" Coho are Boated in this period. That is why we have always had our “Annual Salmon Enhancement Fishing Derby” on the weekend before Labour Day. Usually the winning Chinook is 30-50 lb. The all-time winner was for largest Chinook for this time frame was Gene Gildman with his 58.5 lb Chinook.

Larger Halibut & Ling Cod in good numbers also begin to start moving back toward the mouth of the Inlets & Sound in search of feed. This often yields some Large Mixed Bag catches in August to September.


 Matt Katzeberg from Abbotsford with his 37 lb Chinook,

Caught on Aug. 19. 2016

Carol Campbell from Bainbridge Is. Wa. 
With her 1st Tyee of the season 34lb,
She caught a 32.5 lb the next day.
Husband Bob refused to be in the Photo. LoL!!!


 It Is ALL About the FISH!!! 2017 Salmon Enhancement Fishing Derby


Join in the FUN, Catching & Fabulous Prizes- Only 200 tickets available- Always Sells Out- $75 per person

Between the Dinner, Hat, Door Prizes, live Entertainment & Hidden Weight Prizes you are guaranteed to get your $$$ worth.

14th Annual Derby - Friday & Saturday August 25th & 26th. Get Your Tickets NOW!



Bill Hoffman and Family 

                                                                                                Stan Leete and Family


“Tahsis Fishing Club”

Yes, there have been numerous discussions on this subject.

Now there is some serious movement on the matter.

Dr. Stan Leete, the Famous “Fishion Fisician” also Chairmen of Marina Floating PUB & Mr. Bill Hoffman the “Wandeh” King of the Tahsis Springs Condo Association have both come forward with several ideas. ALL GOOD STUFF.

Stan’s email is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , Bills's email is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Please share your thoughts with them on this matter.

Cathy & I are Supportive but it’s YOUR CLUB!!



We are Looking forward to what is shaping up to be the Biggest and Best Season EVER!!

Yes- Based on our reservations to date we will be busier than ever before serving Seasoned as well as New Customers/Friends in the up-coming Season.

“The Marina & Lodge will officially open on March 15th 2017”

Yes- we will be open for the early season Halibut, Ling Cod, Winter Spring & Prawn Fishing/Catching.

ALL Services will be available at the opening:

Fuel Dock, Tackle, Souvenirs, Coffee & Ice Cream Shops, as well as All the Lodging & Marine Mechanic Services & More.

“The Marina Grillhouse Restaurant” will open on Sunday, Mother’s Day May 14th for a Very Special Mom’s Dinner. After that opening it will remain open 7 days a wk. well into September.

We are looking forward to Seeing & Serving All of You this 2017 Season.


Cathy & John Falavolito   250-934-7672 or 800-992-3252

Owner Operators Westview Marina & Lodge

Successfully Serving the Cruising and Fishing Public for 25 Years

N49* 55’ 13     W126* 39’ 78.5


