Esperanza Inlet & Off Shore are Red Hot!


Hello {tag:firstname},






Esperanza Inlet & Off Shore are Red Hot!


Yes Fishing/Catching for Chinook, Coho & Halibut is the best it has been in years on the north end of Area 25 Esperanza & all of 125 Off Shore. Nootka has not yet turned on. The Conuma River hatchery run is at least a week behind its normal arrival timing in the inside waters of Nootka Sound. Why are they late? Not sure BUT they will be here soon.



 This happy group from Linden, Wa. are enjoying the increasing average size of this seasons Chinook/ Spring/Kings. Cookiecutter 28Lb fish is the norm.

 Robert from Langely holding one of the 2 Chinook & 8 Coho he and his crew of 5 caught yesterday. The Coho/Silvers are big this year averaging 12Lbs & growing weekly

There is tons of bait at the mouth of Esperanza & Off Shore. This may be part of the delay of the run for Nootka. For those fishers who are on the north/west side of Nootka Island they are having a hay day!! Yes limits of Chinook are a daily event & there are so many Coho that they are a bit of a nuisance. The Great news on Coho is that inside the surf line you can retain 2 per day hatchery clipped or wild and they are BIG 10-16lbs. It’s a FUN FAST FISHERY that everybody can enjoy. Use a Coho Killer or 4 in Coyote spoon at Black Rk., Low Rk. in front of Catala Is., Pin Rks and Double Is. All are producing well.



 Barb from Vancouver with her 1st Chinook ever 27.5Lbs 

caught at The "T" on the Highway

 If production is what your fishing trip is about, this 6 man group from 

St. Johns accomplished their goal on Halibut, Chinook, Coho & some 

Rock fish on the first day of their fishing adventure.

Early in the season to get into HOT Fishing/Catching it was necessary to go out the Highway to score big BUT not now. 4 mile reef back to the shore line and the mouth of Esperanza Inlet in as far as Rosa Harbour are the HOT SPOTS!!

As the days & weeks move forward we are seeing more and more TYEES. There have been more Tyees on the Marina cleaning tables so far this season than in the entire season last year!


 "Tyee & Smiles" Jackie with her 30Lb Chinook caughtat Maquinna Point on July 20th

 Ken with his 1st Tyee of the 2016 Season. This 33.5Lb Chinook was caught at     the 4 Mile Reef off Esperanza with an anchovie.


Derby- Yes the “13th Annual Regional Salmon Enhancement Derby”

Friday August 26th & Saturday August 27th.

Yes- we are Proud to say “Westview Marina Salmon Enhancement Derby raises the largest amount of funds that go to Enhancement than any other privately operated Derby on Vancouver Island”

Yes- $35,693 last yr. & $250,000 + over the past 12yrs.

Yes- Just one of the many reasons why the Fishing/Catching is so GOOD HERE!!

Yes- Come join the FUN. $60 entrance fee. Live Music, Awards dinner, Door Prizes

YES-Lots of Great Prizes donated by supporters/sponsors from all over Vancouver Is. and Canada


                              “It’s ALL About the FISH”


Paula out fished Paul with her 70 lb Halibut. Paul weighed in at a nice 47.5Lbs. Both Halibut were caught at the Whales Tail on The Highway of Esperanza

Top Chinook of The Day from July 2016. Per normal at approx. July 10th we start seeing our 1st Tyees of the season. This years projections are for many more Tyees then in the past couple years. we have already had 3 days where we have had multiple Tyees, July 10, 13, 21.

Cathy & John Falavolito   250-934-7672 or 800-992-3252

Owner Operators Westview Marina & Lodge

Successfully Serving the Cruising and Fishing Public for 24 Years





