Another Season Has Come & Gone...... BUT
It was the Best, Longest & the Most Rewarding Season we have ever had. Thank
You to- Our MANY long-time returning Customers and to Lots of new Customers
who have come to Discover the Beauty of our Tahsis area, the Fabulous
Fishing & Boating that we have here. Let’s not forget to thank both our long
term and new staff for the Great job they did.
BC Outdoors TV Program - staring Mike Mitchell editor/host
The Westview Marina & Lodge episode 1st airing will be on Oct. 25th Sunday
at noon PST on CHEK TV. Filmed here this past August 10, 11,&12th.
All other airing across
Canada & the USA will be announced in Dec. & Aired in Jan. 2016
Stay tuned!!!!
Thank You to Mike Mitchell for the Salmon Enhancement Video
As you may already know this year's Derby activities raised $35,693.28.
That is an all-time annual high.
We believe that the BC Outdoors Video went a long ways to help that effort.
If you would like to preview this 2.5min video go to our web site
www.westviewmarina.com then Media, then Video, then "Salmon Enhancement
Thank You for participating & Giving. "It is ALL About the FISH"
Yes the Department of Fisheries & Oceans is projecting that the 2016 season
Salmon runs will be as GOOD or BETTER than 2015. 2015 was GREAT!!! They
are also projecting larger numbers of 4 and 5 year old Chinook! TYEES!
If you have not yet made your reservation for moorage, lodging,
fishing/catching charters, eco/kayak/photography adventures for next season
you may want to do that TODAY! WE are already BOOKED more this year
at this time than EVER BEFORE!!
Tahsisliving.com Produced by Karli Yanchus
Has an excellent article with GREAT pictures on the "Tahsis Salmon Society"
capturing Chinook Salmon in local river.
Take a LOOK you will like it. Thanks Karli & to the volunteers for all of your
"IT's a Wrap"
Yes, lots of boats of all sizes are winterized and stored in our parking lot
for the winter. The boats are usually heated and vented. It is just like
having your boat in heated storage.
Do you want your garage, shop, storage shed, barn or driveway back and not
have to tow & ferry your boat to us?? Next season leave your boat with us.
Monthly storage fee $45 CAD for any size of boat. 250- 934-7672
6th Annual Free Willy Day
Pictured above:
Neil, Madrona,& Sylvan Maffin Glyn , Marion, & Andie Howell
Alexis Neilson Ashley Briggs Casey John
Students & Adults from Tahsis " Captain Meares” School Having FUN & getting WET
while putting the over 25 fish & more than 40 other types of sea life
back into the inlet from the Marina Touch/Educational Saltwater Tank.
The tank was built for the Young BUT the not so Young are also very entertained
by this Marina Attraction.
The tank will be reactivated April 2016. Bring in all those Fish & Strange
looking creatures that come up in you prawn traps. Be part of building 2016
Touch Tank Attraction! Fun for Everybody!!
John & Cathy Falavolito <http://www.westviewmarina.com>
Owner Operators Westview Marina & Lodge
Serving the Cruising and Fishing Public for 23 Years