"2015 Esperanza/Nootka Regional Salmon Enhancement Fishing Derby"
Report- A HUGE Success!! Over 200 people at the awards banquet on Saturday night. Lots of FUN & PRIZES. Over $35,000 was raised. That is approx.. a 14% increase over last years all time high of $31,462.50. WOW!!!
Final results will be available late next week after all the commitments are gathered.
Tahsis Rec Center a portion of the 200+ attendees
at the Saturday night Awards Banquet.

Frank Collins President of the Tahsis Salmon Enhancement Society and his team cooking salmon dinner for everyone at the awards banquet

Team Truant the most active of many volunteer teams who made this derby a success.
Gary recieving his 1st Place Chinnok Scotty/Grieg
Seafood Prizes
Scott Lewis the winning bid on the Suzuki
Outboard in live auction
The Captain of the Ship Cathy Falavolito
THANKS- to our over 170 Prize Sponsors- Especially the Major Sponsors- Scotty Marine Products, Grieg Seafood, Shock Wave Marine Seats, Lordco Auto Parts, Redl Sports Distributors, Breakers Marine/Suzuki Canada, Superstore, Gibbs-Delta Tackle, Bradley Smoker, Canadian Tire, Endurance Marine, and Coastal Mountain Fuels. The Major Sponsors- provided 1st place prizes & added much to the Silent and Live Auction fund raising. This year's VIP/Corporate Sponsors Board Contributors once again achieved Its Goal of +$10,000 for Enhancement. _____________________________________________________________ Mike Mitchell Editor/Host of BC Outdoors Sports TV Show made Special video appearance to kick off the Awards Ceremony on Saturday evening. Mike's message was clear and to the point " He fishes all up & down the coast of BC & in his eyes there is no better fishing anywhere on the coast than HERE" Why? Because of the efforts of so many volunteers to enhance the salmon fishing throughout our region over the past 12yrs. THANK YOU MIKE!
Mike recently filmed one of his award winning Sport Fishing TV Shows here at Westview. It will air this fall. Stay tuned for the time & station airing schedule all across Canada & The USA. Mike & his crew will be back next season to Fish/Catch/Film Again!!!
Chinook- Gary (ICE MAN) Negrin- PRIZE:Scotty Marine/Greig Seafood Downrigger package Coho- Steve Darvault PRIZE: Bradley Smoker S/S smoker package Halibut- Michael Nelson PRIZE: Canadian Tire Excel Large Stacked Shop Tool Boxes Cod- Jamie Sturm PRIZE: Endurance Marine Gen Set
There were lots of power/cordless tools, S/S BBQs, Fishing equipment, Hand Tools, Lady's Gifts, Marine Electronics, Weed eaters & other lawn tools, Sea Plane Rides, Couple getaway trips, Restaurant Certificates, Fuel Vouchers, Clothing, ETC. Everyone at the Awards Banquet took home prizes.
Thank You to ALL the Volunteers who help make the 12th Annual Salmon Enhancement Derby a Huge Success!!
John & Cathy Falavolito 250 934 7672 Owner Operators Westview Marina & Lodge Serving the Cruising and Fishing Public for 23 Years