July 2015 Fishing Report
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JULY 2015 FISHING REPORT The 2015 BBQ Contest was the BEST EVER.6 competing teams, Largest crowd ever, weather was fantastic, from the judging sheets the BEST FOOD EVER & Lots of it, FUN FUN FUN and the most $$$ EVER Raised at the BBQ for Tahsis Salmon Enhancement Society = $3,260 WOW!!!! Thanks to Dave Smith president of Shockwave Marine Seats for really setting the bar high for the crowd & the FISH. While the votes for winning BBQ dishes were being counted Dave threw down $1,000. He said if we could find matching $$$ in the crowd he would donate the funds. It did not take long before the donations were flying. Richard Illes started it out with a $40 donation the, $5- $50 just kept rolling in. It was all capped off with three $100 donations by Dave Hardy, Cody & Tyson & Kyle Whitman. Thanks To ALL For A Wonderful Event & a FUN Time.
Right to left Dwayne & Dixie Maul The "D&D team" took 2nd place with their Homemade Prawn Spring Rolls & Halibut soup, Next in line is Tysyn Tabler & Cod "Sanchez's Dirty Cantina" placed 3rd cooking BBQ Fish Tacos. Next in line are Samantha & Thor Johanson, for the 3rd yr. running, they were award 1st place by the participants voting with their "Viking Candied BBQ Salmon", Far Left are Cathy & John Falavolito your hosts. Thanks to ALL 6 BBQ team for their Efforts. "IT's All About the FISH" Cody also won the best dressed (undressed Chef) award with his HAT, Socks & not much else. Good thing the rules require wearing the official apron!!!! __________________________________________________________ Fishing Report - The cleaning tables are awash with Salmon, Halibut, Lings & Other Ground Fish Every DAY. Check out the Web-Cam on our site between 1 & 6pm Daily. www.westviewmarina.com to media,/ web cam. Salmon: Springs/Kings are everywhere- they have moved into the mouth of both Esperanza & Nootka. Limits are the norm for most every day,2 per day. Inside Chinook are running in the 15-25lb. Bigger Fish 26-30+lb are out on the highway on those days when the wind is Good. There have been more Good outside days than not!!! 30-40 lb Fish will be here in August. Largest Chinook to date is 32lb catch by Scotty Gibbs. Today's largest Chinook was caught at Rosa Harbor by Glen Peters it was 30.5lbs. Coho- lots around & again they are everywhere. Inside & Outside. Inside you can retain 4 per day wild or hatchery clipped. Outside 2 per day clipped only. Largest Coho to date is 11lbs caught by Shawn Langley. These fish are putting on weight daily. This is looking like a 15- 22lb Coho inside fishery by mid-August into September.
Halibut- Still 1 per day but the fishers are finding plenty of 40-60lb nice flat ones. Anchoring with chum bags seems to work the best but drifting the 150ft gravel bars is also producing nicely. Ling Cod & other Ground Fish- Stop by the tackle shop & we will point out some very catchy areas inside & outside. 3 ling per day + 3 other ground fish. That is a lot of delicious white meat. Largest Ling Cod to date 44lb by Cal Krueger. Most are averaging 20lbs. Largest Cod was a 15lb Yellow Eye caught Blair Davidson. That is a BIG yellow eye!!
__________________________________________________________ MESSAGE FROM YOUR HOST: If you have not yet made your Moorage, Lodging, Fishing Charter Packages or Kayak Rental arrangements you had better contact us ASAP. We are BOOKED heavier & earlier than we EVER have been in the past many years. This is a GOOD Thing BUT we are here to give you the Best Service available in Nootka/Esperanza Area so contact us NOW! So we can accommodate your needs & Dates. John & Cathy Falavolito 250 934 7672 Owner Operators Westview Marina & Lodge Serving the Cruising and Fishing Public for 23 Years
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