2015 Season Preview




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Available at Westview Marina Tackle Shop at great prices for the 2015 Season!

“The Most Economical & Productive FISHING in YEARS!!!” 

Yes 2015 is shaping up to be just that: 

- Gas Prices will be as LOW or Lower than they were 10yrs ago.

- The number of Chinook and Coho retuning to Esperanza/Nootka are projected to be up from 2014.

- Columbia River Salmon are going to be as strong as last year which were at an all-time high return.

- The US Dollar is at a 20% premium over the CA Dollar.

- Halibut limits likely to go up on April 1st for the 2015 season.

- Early Season (March 15th - May 15th) Prawning already looks GOOD.

- Our reservations are at an all-time high for this time in the year.

YES 2015 will be a fun filled, Great, Busy Year. Come join the Fun of Catching/Fishing!!

Make Your Reservations NOW!! We Are Booking Up Quickly!


Spot Prawns – “Easy to Catch, Great Eating, BUT Fishing time is Critical to Success!!”

Get them while you can.  “Come UP, Pull them UP before the Prawns are Cleaned UP”.

Yes it is the new reality of prawn fishing. The days of dropping your prawn traps on the way out to go fishing after May 16th and pulling your traps on your way back home with the expectation of prawns in your traps are GONE!!

From approx. March 15 (weather dependent) through May 15th prawning will be Excellent.

After that not so much. Commercial Prawning starts on May 16th (info. provided by DFO) After that the Sporty Prawn fishing will be a bust.

In years past 3 to 6 commercial prawn boats worked the waters of Nootka & Esperanza waters. Last year 22 showed up to start the season in mid- May and it swelled to nearly 30 boats before it was shut down 6 weeks later. The commercial prawn boats of today are not, for the most part, the boats of the past. Today’s boats are newer, faster, have very sophisticate electronics for prawn detection, high speed retrieval and deploying trap systems AND most carry multiple licences which means they are fishing hundreds more traps. Reality is you do not want to have your traps out there because of the gear conflicts while the commercial fleet is fishing and after their gone the Sporty prawn does not recover until Late Winter/Early Spring.

Sorry BUT it is the New Reality. Your Local Sports Fishery Advisory Committee has been working with DFO to address this issue.

For now the answer is: “Come UP, Pull them UP, before the Prawns are Cleaned UP”

PRAWN Season 2015—March 15th through May 15th   SEE YOU SOON!!!

Note: lots of Winter Spring & Halibut will be available during this same time. “ALL inside Fishing/Catching”

Cameron Read & Wade Dowding two local fellows taking advantage of a break in the weather last week to score on PRAWNS 200 prawns each the daily bag limit on Westview’s cleaning tables- Yum Yum

Halibut, Flatties, Buts, Hali, Barn Doors – All familiar names for one of the most aggressive bottom feeders in our Local Waters – that taste GREAT!!!!

The 2015 Season officially opened on February 1st but, as we all know it really doesn’t get rolling strong until late March as the weather smartens up and the Esperanza/Nuchatlitz herring spawn getting going.

March through April & May Hali can be catch right in the mouth of the Inlet. No need to go outside. Spreader bars 16-24oz weight & Extra Large Herring scores well on these impressive hard fighting fish.

New regulations for Halibut will come into effect as of April 1st, 2015. All bets are on increase size on the present limits. Keep tuned in as soon as DFO releases the new regs. We will get the info out.  

Matt Provenzaano from Burnaby BC with his 2014 Derby winning Halibut.  Trevor Harris from Vancouver BC with the Largest Lingcod weighted in for 2014 season, 41lbs Caught on May 14th 2014. EARLY Season Fishing is GOOD!!

2015 Derby  Westview Marina & Lodge Tahsis Salmon Enhancement Derby will be on Friday August 28th & Saturday August 29th this season. Come join the FUN, Lots of GREAT Prizes, Live Entertainment, Awards Banquet, BBQ Salmon Dinner, FUN, Meet lots of like-minded Fishers, 100 Door Prizes, Have a Great Time, Lots of Prizes for hidden weights this year, Plus Huge Prizes for the 1st three largest fish in the 4 categories – Chinook, Coho, Halibut & Cod. All the above for the $60 entrance fee per person.

 “It’s ALL ABOUT the FISH “

Danny Stonedahl from Lynwood Washington with his 1st Place 39.25lb Chinook 2014 Dale May from Berry Ontario with his 1st place 30.5lb Ling Cod 2014

The 2014 Derby raised $31,462.50 for Salmon Enhancement throughout the Esperanza/Nootka Region.

Mark your calendar NOW, Make your reservation Now and "COME JOIN THE FUN"

We are hiring Summer Staff  -

Each year at this time we interview and hire approx. 18 summer staff - Dockhands, Servers, Prepcook & Housekeepers.

This year we are fortunate to have 8 returning staff from last year-- lots of familiar Happy Faces.

If you have a son or daughter, grandchild, or friend who would like a Great Fun Filled Summer time work experience have them send us a resume. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Our compensation is above the average for the hospitality industry, we also provide lodging.

All together see had approx. 30 full & part time staff at the Marina. Several from Tahsis, the Island, all over Canada & from time to time from around the World. “Westview Marina is the largest summer /seasonal employer in Tahsis.”

Make Your Reservations Now! We are Booking Up Quickly!

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John & Cathy Falavolito