September- A Great Month to Catch Fish!!!
Halibut Regulation Change (on September 1st, 2014) sure changed the fishing habits of the fishers at the Marina. The new reg. allows for the taking of 2 halibut per day per person. That means only one trip to your favorite flatty hole to get your position limit.
COHO - While you are out there in the same neighborhood or on your returning trip catch your 4 per day limit of Coho inside the surfline. The Coho have finally come inside in GOOD numbers at ALL your favorite spots - Catala Is., Double Is. Ferrer Pt., Garden Pt., Pin Rocks are especially hot spot with some nice Chinook also being boated.
2 of Austin and Matt's Limit of 8 NICE Coho |
ALBACORE TUNA! --- On those calmer days Lots of Albacore Tuna are being caught. Folks are discovering that once you figure it out (gear & location) these TUNA are easily caught and lots of fun. Yes they are 15- 18mi. of the mouth of Esperanza Inlet and Lots of boats are out there. Picking your day to fish for Tuna is a lot like picking your day for fishing for Halibut. If it's calm enough to fish Halibut then it's usually time to go get Albacore Tuna.