Happy Holidays
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MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAPPY NEW YEAR to all our friends and customers from Cathy & John and the entire staff at Westview Marina & Lodge GREETINGS- As we are writing this newsletter it is snowing in Tahsis and most of Vancouver Island, setting the scene for a white Christmas. Have a safe and Happy Holiday Season - Keep Thinkin Fishin because the prospects are looking VERY GOOD for an excellent year of catching in 2014. ![]() THE POND- Our Saltwater Aquarium is always a big attraction at the Marina. Thanks to the many contributors who bring significant numbers of animal species to the pond for viewing & education about our local marine life and its habitat. From the sea snails to the lingcod and everything in between (oyster, many varieties of rock fish, sea cucumbers, crabs, clams, black cod, 6 types of local starfish & much more). Each year is different and delightful. If you are not aware feeding time is usually around 4pm daily. The pond residence get feed salmon row the majority of the season & most of the pond dwellers grow significantly while visiting with us before going back to their homes in the sea in the fall. The Pond was built originally for younger people but, it became apparent early on that young & NOT so young alike enjoy it. Come visit, contribute animals & Enjoy THE POND next season.
LARGEST FISH CAUGHT by species 2013
TUNA, TUNA, TUNA Canadian Pacific Albacore Tuna is sought after by top chief around the world. The fish are young and therefor are some of the healthiest tuna of all the oceans. When filleted it is four firm white loins which produce wonderful meals. In future newsletters we will be featuring recipes that will stir the FOODIE in most of you!!
TUNA TRIPS - For details on 2013 September tuna fishing click here - For details on 2014 TUNA seminars & charters click here Note - On Friday September 12, 2014 we have TWO seats left for all day Tuna charter $475 ea. fishing only /$725 ea. if you want two nights lodging & all meals. - Lots of the Albacore tuna charters are already full so if you want to go on this exciting & rewarding fishery book Soon! Wi-Fi – free Wi-Fi Continues to real hit with most all our customers. 4 fishermen checking in at home & work after a GOOD day of fishing ![]() 3 young customers texting & checking their fb 2013 Wrap Up- It was a year of MOSTs, BESTs, MOREs
THANK YOU from CATHY & JOHN Wishing You and Yours a Happy, Healthy, Safe & Prosperous 2014 |
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