2012 Salmon Enhancement Derby
Fishing, weather, prizes and fundraising were all over the top!
Chinook *Madison Fox 37 lb Jim Horvath 33 ¼ lb *Tara Lagos 31 ¾ lb Jim Ovenell 31 1/8 lb |
Coho *Madison Fox 17 ½ lb Joseph Prodor 14 ¼ lb Ron Taylor 14 lb Dave Smith 13 ¾ lb |
Halibut Dennis John 178 lb Mark Gotell 98 lb Gilles Darvault 97 lb Kelly Cramb 80 lb |
Cod Tyler Hunt 31 ¾ lb Gerry Freeman 26 Thor Johanson 26 lb *Vicky Russel 23 Jerry Fure 18 |
25% of our top winners were women and 37% of the people entered in this year’s derby were women or under the age of 20 yrs. Those statistics really give the message as to how fishing in Tahsis has turned into a family event and holiday.
The vast majority of the fishing occurred on the highway between the mouth of Esperanza inlet and Kyuquot. Both days were calm but day 2 (Sat Aug 25) was absolutely flat.
Congratulations to all the winners. Over 200 people showed up for the awards banquet Saturday at the Community Rec Centre. Everybody left with at least one prize and full bellies.
The Tahsis Lion’s Club and Salmon Enhancement Volunteers served up grilled chicken and deep fried halibut with all the fixings. Great Job!!!
$27,185.80 - WOW!
That’s the grand total raised from 2012. That is a 29.3% increase over last year.
That brings the total funds raised over the last 9 derbies to $128,930.95!
Thank you to our 112 sponsors for this year’s derby, especially the 9 corporate sponsors:
Scotty Marine Products, LORDCO, Breakers Marine/Suzuki Canada, Redl Sports Distributors, Grieg Seafood, Bradley Smokers, Endurance Marine, Shockwave Seats, Real Canadian Superstore
A complete list of all sponsors is below