February 2011
“La Nina”Definition: La Nina is a coupled ocean-atmosphere phenomenon that is the counterpart of El Nino as part of the broader El Nino – Southern Oscillation climate pattern. During a period of La Nona, the sea surface temperature across the equatorial Eastern Central Pacific Ocean will be lower than normal by 3-5 degrees Celsius. In the west United States and western Canada, an episode of La Nina is defined as a period of at least 5 months lf La Nina conditions. What is Happening TodayWe are definitely in the middle of a large La Nina event. It started in the eastern and central tropical Pacific in mid 2010 and is expected to last until approximately March 1, 2011. This would make our present La Nina one of the largest on record equalling or exceeding events of mid 1955 and mid 1975. How Does it Effect Fish?First of all the Pacific Northwest water temperature is 3 – 5 degrees Celsius – colder than normal. This is a very good thing. Why with the colder temperature, deep sea upwelling churn nutrients into the water significantly increasing food for all stages of the food chain in the ocean. Historical data supports where La Nina events occur, especially ones of long duration like we are seeing over 2010 – 2011, survival rates of nearly all fingerlings / smelts species significantly increase. In addition, fish that are already in the ocean tend to grow faster, larger and healthier. IT’S ALL GOOD. FishingSalmon – all 5 species, halibut, and ling cod, again all good! Colder water, less wind during spring, summer and fall off the west coast of Vancouver Island increase survival rates, provide an abundance of food for all fish but especially for these at the upper end of the food chain. These adult fish are the ones that will be targeted for the upcoming 2011 season. Catches are projected to be abundant with more Tyees (over 30 pound Chinook Salmon) than normal. The FutureWho knows for sure but at least for the short term, 2011 to 2015, things are continuing to look up for the abundance and size for salmon, halibut and ling cod. Sharpen those hooks and get ready – the 2011 Fishing Season is rapidly approaching! See you soon!
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