June 2011
Literally hundreds of feeder and mature migrating Columbia River Chinook are schooling and feeding from Yellow Bluff, across to the outside of Catala Island, Pin Rock to Ferrer Point, all across Esperanza Inlet. Daily limits of 18– 28lb salmon are being brought to the new cleaning tables at the marina (check them out online on our webcam at www.westviewmarina.com).
The 1st Tyee was landed last Saturday at low rock, 31.2lbs, by Bob Hernelson of Saskatchewan, add that to the 70+ lb Chinook caught last week in Haida Gwaii (See the June 4th edition of the Vancouver Sun, here). This means lots more big fish are coming this way.
That has been the prediction for fish here off the West Coast of Vancouver Island and it looks like it is going to happen. Add that to the limits of Halibut close in, at 100 – 140ft, and lots of Sockeye are already being caught.
Last year was one of the best fishing seasons in many years and 2011 promises to be better!
Sharpen those hooks and we’ll see you soon!
Just for the Pride of It!
“Do you know where you were on June 8th at 5pm, 2011?” (Around the time we were writing this article).
Here in Tahsis, B.C. the temperature is 20ºC / 68ºF, clear skies and a bit of afternoon wind in the inlet, with calm seas (under 5k) outside. The Vancouver Canucks are about to play the Boston Bruins in the 4th game of the Stanley Cup Finals. Those who have big screen TVs and barbeques in town have drug them out on to their decks for a ruckus party. For those who don’t yet have the new digital cable box for their TVs have gathered at the local watering holes and at Westview Marina the decks are quite busy.
The point of this article is to recognize the national and community pride which brings people together, from both nations, to sing their National Anthems, root for their favorite team and players. This is what National Pride is all about, no matter where you are from or who you root for.
Go Vancouver!
Go Boston!
And Good luck to all!
Have Fun!
Is happening on Saturday July 9th!
This year’s event is already making noise of being bigger and better than the first! Last year over 100 people participated as tasters, chefs, and judges.
Net proceeds for the event will once again go to the Tahsis Salmon Enhancement Society, which last year produced $1,000.00 for the fish.
Last years winners, Jay and Paul Vandenborn will be back to defend their title!
We have added more deck space and tables to ensure lots of space for participants, tasters and guests.
Entrance forms and more details can be found online at www.westviewmarina.com
Enter now as a chef or taster!!
Less than a month to go, So mark your calanders Now!!
All you can eat for a $10.00 donation to the Tahsis Salmon Enhancement Society
Jay and Paul Vandenborn The patio