Record Snows on Vancouver Island
Good for the Skiers & Fish in our rivers this summer and fall.
Yes, there have been many years in the past with winters like this but in recent years not so much.
A White Christmas for ALL!
Thank You!!
Cathy & John, Paula & Doug, Dawne & Cheryl, Wade & Cameron, All the Guides, Dock, Wait & Housekeeping Staff would like to Thank You for the BEST year EVER. We have been Blessed with Good people to work with and a Huge group of New & Seasoned Customers.
Thanks to ALL of You and may You & Yours have Happy Holiday season!
We are ALL very Lucky to have Good people to work with and serve. Looking forward to 2017!!
“2017 Will Be Westview Marina & Lodge 25 Anniversary”
Yes, there will be a PARTY!
The week end of Friday July 14-Sunday July 16
Hi-lights: Sean Hogan- Country/Roots/Rock Star from CMT will be Rocking the Dock on Friday
Legendary International Awarded David Gogo will, Rock the Dock On Saturday
David is one of Canadas Best Know & Awarded Blues Guitarist, Singer-Songwriters.
Mark your 2017 calendar NOW! Come join the FUN & Festivities. July 14, 15, 16
Yes- This may sound like a broken record!
BUT we really are BOOKED more than we have ever been before at time of year.
So, if you want Your dates for moorage, accommodations, Fishing/ECO charters or Fishing Pkgs.
Book them SOON so we can meet Your request. Thank You!
Thank You and May You ALL have a Safe & Happy Holiday Season!
Cathy & John Falavolito 250-934-7672 or 800-992-3252
Owner Operators Westview Marina & Lodge
Successfully Serving the Cruising and Fishing Public for 25 Years
N49* 55’ 13 W126* 39’ 78.5